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Delft: T.U. Delft
72p + 12p aanhangsels
Inhoudelijke beschrijving:
Ongoing urbanisation and the subsequent extensive use of the urban water system can lead to degradation of its surface water quality. In the Netherlands, urban water bodies often suffer from the manifestations of eutrophication due to (historically) high nutrient loadings. This research focused on the enhancement of surface water quality of semi-confined urban water bodies with a case study on a floating treatment system. Urban water bodies often function as amenities of the urban area. Their ornamental and ecological value depends on the state of their aquatic ecosystem. Excessive nutrient loading, leading to the collapse of the system’s biodiversity, turns a water body into a turbid state without submerged macrophytes. Restoration of the clear water state through reduction of nutrient loadings alone is hindered by hysteresis caused by the ecosystem relations and could be supplemented with an approach focused on increasing the system’s nutrient carrying capacity or an internal approa
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