c 1900
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Richter Anchor
a.k.a. Richter Anchor Stone Puzzle 13
F. Ad. Richter & Co., Germany, 1890's / early 1900's (cardboard box 3 by 3 by 9/16 inches, = 7,5x7,5x0,9 Cm.. 8 stone pieces, and booklet; - the Anchor Puzzle Book dates this puzzle as first made in 1891; described on pages 80-81 of the 1893 Hoffmann book; - similar in construction to the Anchor Puzzle Tangram; - the inside of the cover shows how to pack the pieces into the box; - the inside of the bottom has a testimonial dated 1899; - booklet has multi-language text inside the covers and on pages A to Q at the front, - and 64 pages with 174 shapes to make where the last 16 pages are shapes made in combination with another puzzle)
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