Jaar: 1925
Kwaliteit: Goed
Uitgever: Amsterdam : De Bussy
Beschrijving: door C.J. Rutten-Pekelharing ill., krt, 1e uitg. 1916; 143 p, 23x29 cm; gebonden - bound - hard cover. covertitle in bold red and black type with a large coloured illustration in centre, initialled in black print J.Rs. . 143pp., many captioned monochrome plates and illustrations, further extensive informative text, 1 detailed plan of a dutch colonial house with descriptive text on facing page,,- 2 captioned full page maps, table of contents
Inhoudelijke beschrijving: Dutch language collection of illustrated stories, by which practical information is supplied on behalf of dutch children in Holland aboutn a variety of topics from the Dutch East Indies, e.g.: insects and other animals in and around the house, native servants, street-sellers and street-life, landscapes, etc
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