Prijs: € 50,00 In winkelwagentje
Jaar: c 1935
Kwaliteit: Zie beschrijving
Uitgever: 's Gravenhage: Amercan Petroleum Company
Beschrijving: Softcover., brochure., stapled., ( 20 ) Pages. All with small or full age illustrations in colour by Jo Spier. All pages with logo APC Motorspirit or APC Auto oil etc.
Inhoudelijke beschrijving: Rare advertising brochure with Dutch traffic rules combined with te products of The American Petroleum Company. Back cover with a drawing of the A.P.C. building "Petrolea "in Den Haag. After 1938 name was changed Standard Amerikaansche Petroleum Maatschappij (SAPC). and after 1948 this became part of ESSO
Specifieke beschrijving: Only minor wear. GOOD condition.
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