Prijs: € 165,00 In winkelwagentje
Jaar: N.d. ( 1910 - 1920)
Kwaliteit: Zie beschrijving
Uitgever: Manefacture Moderne de Bustes & Mannequins., 'l Estétique Parisienne
Beschrijving: trade catalog brochure ( 12 x 20 cm.)., Stapled., 19 Pages., Manefacture Modern Mannequins Busts Busts His, His Manequins, His Artistic Waxes
Inhoudelijke beschrijving: Small interesting catalogue. Depicts numerous examples of Dress forms., In full length models breast only models etc etc.
Specifieke beschrijving: Overall in excellent condition. Except for some annotation ( ordering info ) on some pages. RARE collectible item for the collector of historical sewing materials and items.
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